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OSIRIS-REx: Primary resources of the mission

What is OSIRIS-REx?

OSIRIS-Rex logo

OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer) is NASA's first asteroid sample return mission. It seeks answers to the questions that are central to the human experience: Where did we come from? What is our destiny?

Asteroids, the leftover debris from the solar system formation process, can answer these questions and teach us about the history of the sun and planets.

Primary sources in Special Collections

A NASA mission led by Primary Investigator, Dante Lauretta of the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory in collaboration with Goddard Space Flight Center and Lockheed Martin.

This is a born-digital collection with online access through the University of Arizona Libraries Campus Repository. This collection is ongoing.

Included in the collection are mission notes and summaries from the OSIRIS-REx Mission.

What is the role of the University of Arizona on this mission?

What is the mission of OSIRIS-REx?

What is the Lunar Planetary Laboratory (LPL)?

LPL was founded in 1960 by planetary astronomer Gerard P. Kuiper, after whom the Kuiper Belt of icy objects in the outer Solar System and the Kuiper Prize (the top honor of the world’s largest organization of planetary scientists) are named. Most of the original work was based on observations using telescopes, but as the exploration of the planets expanded in scope, so did LPL. In 1973, PTYS was formed, to educate succeeding generations of planetary scientists.

Librarian and Curator of Political Affairs and History of Science Collections

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Steve Hussman
UA Libraries
Special Collections Department
1510 E. University Blvd. C211
P.O. Box 210055
Tucson, AZ 85721-0055