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Library Resources in D2L


Beginning with Fall 2024 courses, there will be a new link to library resources and support as part of the top navigation for all D2L courses.  This new tab will be titled “Library Guide” and replaces the previous “Library Tools” tab.  

These changes will go into effect on May 10, 2024, for upcoming courses.  Over the next few months, these navigational changes will appear in historic courses going back two years. This will allow instructors to copy previous courses for a new semester or summer/winter session with the changes in place. 

This tab is located on the top navigation toolbar for each course.

What is the "Library Guide" tab?

This tool automatically provides a library guide relevant to your course in the D2L course navbar.

This may be a subject-specific guide such as the American Indian Studies guide.  Or it might be a guide designed by a library expert for a specific course.  For example, an ENGL 596 course will be directed to the ENGL 596 guide with subject-specific resources for articles, books, journals, and media. No linking or selecting content is required by the instructor.

What about the “Library Tools” Tab?

Previously, most D2L courses had a Library Tools tab.  This tab was generated from a locally developed program that has reached the end of its useful life.   The Library Guide will replace this content.