Scroll down this page to find databases and guides for searching for journal articles, films, images, etc.
A good place to start identifying information sources is Library Search. This discovery tool allows you to search across library collections in a single search interface and find print and online content, including articles, books, ebooks, book reviews, films, and more.
These databases can help you find articles, books, book chapters, reports, etc. on environmental science topics.
Find peer-reviewed journals, full text periodicals, reports, and books across multiple subjects.
Find articles, reports, proceedings, and government publications from Agricola, Toxline, ESPM (Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS).
Find articles from academic journals and business magazines, as well as company profiles, market research, and industry reports.
Find citations about journal articles, reports, and conference papers from 1973 to the present in the area of applied life sciences, including agriculture, forestry, human nutrition, veterinary medicine, and the environment.
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Find peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, pre-prints, abstracts, and technical reports. To set up access to UA Libraries full text from off campus or export to a citation manager, click "Additional Info" below.
The following configuration may be needed to access UA-subscribed content from off campus:
Find articles on the human impact on the environment, global climate change, recycling, renewable energy, green building, and pollution.
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Find articles, book citations, and government documents on public policy, international relations, and business. PAIS Archive and PAIS International are searchable as one combined database.
Find articles, conference proceedings, and technical reports on water quality, conservation, and management.
This content is now part of the Environmental Science Index database. Scroll down to limit by "Water Resources Abstracts content only".
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