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Digital Collections: A list for library employees


This page is designed to give library employees access to a list of our digital collections. These resources are also accessible via  the Find Materials by Type, split up into appropriate pages by type.

Information for:

Scholarly works

Visit the UA Campus Repository to find content such as:

Also explore journals published by the University of Arizona and partners.

Visit ReDATA, UA Research Data Repository, to find non-traditional research outputs (e.g. data, code, visual/audio media).

Rare materials from Special Collections

Find rare and unique materials from Special Collections, particularly in the fields of literature, Arizona and southwestern history, and the sciences.

See online exhibits from Special Collections, and related campus exhibits, which are often on historical themes of significance to the region.

Special Collections owns the copyright to some content. See reuse and permissions information.

Records from Documentary Relations of the Southwest

Documentary Relations of the Southwest is an index from the Arizona State Museum. It provides research tools and finding aids to the written record that began with the arrival of Spanish explorers to the Southwest in the 1530s.

Unique, historical materials from Afghanistan

Afghanistan Digital Collections has materials on Afghanistan history, culture, and development during the Jihad period. Developed in partnership with the Afghanistan Center at Kabul University (ACKU).

Due in part to budget constraints, the University of Arizona Libraries ceased renewing the partnership with ACKU regarding our digitization collaboration and the ongoing operation of the Afghanistan Digital Repository on June 30, 2020. ACKU currently manages and owns all aspects of the Afghanistan Digital Repository.

Technical reports

TRAIL: Technical Report Archive & Image Library includes U.S. government technical reports in technology and science issued prior to 1976.

Spatial data

Spatial Data Explorer allows you to preview and download datasets curated and held in our spatial data repository. It also contains data managed by other institutions including Tufts University, University of California Berkeley, Harvard University, and the University of Wisconsin Madison. The Explorer is an instance of the Open Geoportal Project.