For optimal coverage, try your search in some of the databases listed here.
Education Databases
ERIC: Find articles and documents in all areas of education.
(See the recommended search terms to use in this guide).
Education Full Text: Find articles and books in all areas of education and educational technology.
Teacher Reference Center: Find articles and book reviews on assessment, best practices, continuing education, curriculum development, school administration, and more.
Complementary Databases
Many of these "content" databases also contain articles on pedagogy and teaching.
Ethnic Newswatch: Find articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals from ethnic, minority, and native presses.
Google Scholar: Find peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, pre-prints, abstracts, and technical reports.
Scopus: Find articles, patents, data sets, and more in the sciences, arts, and humanities.
JStor: Find articles, book reviews, and more from thousands of academic journals across the social sciences, humanities, arts, and sciences
PsycINFO: Find articles, dissertations, and book chapters in psychology and behavioral health.
Search Terms for ERIC The ERIC database has some very powerful
Search Terms for Any Database Use these search terms across databases.
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