Articles in scholarly journals are how researchers communicate their research findings. These articles are usually peer-reviewed--reviewed by other scholars in the field--to ensure accuracy and reliability. They are also the most up-to-date information on public health-related topics.
The UA Libraries license hundreds of general and specialized databases that can help you find scholarly articles and clinical information that are relevant to your research. On the databases page, use the settings in the upper right hand corner to view Health Sciences databases only.
Use Google Scholar from the AHSL website and your searches will find and link to articles in the library's licensed journals. View this video to set up your browser at home to do the same for the best results.
To find articles on a topic start with these key databases found in the Top Resources menu on the AHSL website:
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
Major nursing database indexes over 3,000 journals, conference proceedings and selected books. Links to the full-text if the journal is licensed by the UA Libraries. Tutorial.
Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI)
Records contained in HaPI provide information on questionnaires, interview schedules, vignettes/scenarios, coding schemes, rating and other scales, checklists, indexes, tests, projective techniques and more. EBSCOhost Tutorials.
Medline (PubMed)
This National Library of Medicine databases covers the world's biomedical journal literature, including many journals in nursing. A free version is available to all, but choose "PubMed UA/UMC only" which includes links to the full-text of journals licensed by UA Libraries. NLM Tutorials on PubMed.
Covers articles, book chapters, dissertations and other resources in the psychology and psychiatric literature, including relevant articles from medical and nursing journals. Include PsycINFO when your search topic contains a psychological component. Links to full-text.
Web of Science
Includes citations and cited references from current and retrospective core journals in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities from 1899 to the present. Compiles statistical information about journals including the impact factor.
Public health research can touch on many different subject areas, so it's important to be aware of databases outside of those focused specifically on health. It is important to include subjects in the social sciences as well. Search or browse the UA Libraries database list to find more databases. Use the settings in the upper right hand corner to view Health Sciences databases only.
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