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ENGR 195

Your Librarian

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Lara Miller
Main Library A403

Library Resources


The Library has many hard copy books, but has made it a policy to purchase most books in a digital format.

There is a collection of e-reference books in the Knovel database. Reference books are good for formulas, data, equations, etc. You may use print reference materials in the Library, but unfortunately they may not be checked out. If there are sections of these resources you would like to access outside the library building, we have free scanners to copy your pages to a file that you can send to yourself, or save to a USB. Springer has many different engineering series of books, Civil Engineering Tracts and Mechanical Engineering Series, for example.

You can use the library search tool to look across multiple formats for content you could use. Use the drop-down to limit your results to Book, Articles, Conference Proceedings, etc. Once you have run your search, you can narrow down your results even further by the options to the left of your result set. For example, you can get only print materials by checking off the "in the library" option. If you don't care whether items are digital or print, you'll get more results - and in many cases the digital will be more recent.

Databases are commercial products that sell us access to the digitized contents of thousands of academic journals, as well as sometimes standards, conference papers, videos and more. All databases will include citation information and an abstract - along with either the full text of the item cited, or a link out to search for the full text. If the link resolver finds the full text in a different database, it will link you to it. If it can't find full text, you will need to decide if you can wait to receive the contents and request it via Inter-Library Loan. To use the ILL service, set up an ILLiad account by clicking on the "My Accounts" box in the upper right corner of the Library homepage. 

For engineering content, here are a couple good databases:

Scopus (cross-disciplinary)

IEEE Explore (electrical engineering and computer science focus)

A list of all databases is found here: Library databases -- you can sort them by subject using the drop-down.


I'm the Engineering librarian and am available when you'd like assistance. Find other subject librarians here.


You have access to many types of software on the library computers. A sample of a few of the packages used by engineering students includes AutoCAD 2020, MATLAB and SolidWorks. Here is the complete list of what is available.