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Scholarly Communication Librarian

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Ellen Dubinsky

Trusted Individuals (Delegate Access)

You can grant permission to one or more trusted individuals to update your ORCID record, acting as a delegate or proxy for managing your account. Other ORCID users can grant permission for you to update their records. A trusted individual does not need to be another researcher, but they must have an ORCID account.

Trusted individuals have access to your ORCID record, and will be able to edit any information on it and make connections with external systems. For security reasons, a trusted individual may not edit anything that requires you to enter your ORCID password, including: adding email addresses, resetting your password, and deleting your account (which requires access to your email).

Once logged into your ORCID account, click on your name in the upper right hand corner and open the drop-down menu to access your Account Settings:

Navigate to ORCID account settings

Scroll down to the Trusted Individuals section:

Add Trusted Individuals to ORCID record

You can search for other ORCID users by their ORCID iD, email, or name. Once you have found the record of the person who you want to add as a Trusted Individual, click the Add button next to the person's ORCID iD.

Search for Individual by ORCID iD

Add Trusted Individual

You will be asked to confirm the addition of this person as a Trusted Individual. Click Add.

Confirm trusted individual

If you wish to remove someone as a Trusted Individual from your account, you can do so by clicking on the Trash Can icon next to the Access granted date.

Remove Trusted Individual from your ORCID account

ORCID will ask you to confirm revocation of a Trusted Individual from your account. Click on Revoke Access; this person will no longer have access to edit your ORCID account.

Confirm revocation of trusted individual

For more information, see Add a trusted individual to your account in the ORCID Knowledge Base.


Trusted Organizations

When you connect your ORCID iD to another organization’s system, you will be asked to grant permission to that organization to interact with your ORCID account. For example, a publisher may request permission to get your ORCID iD when you submit a manuscript. ORCID organizational members include research organizations, publishers, funders, professional associations, and other stakeholders in the research ecosystem.

Authorizing a Trusted Organization

You decide whether to grant or deny permission to the organization. When you do grant permission, that organization becomes a Trusted Organization and is listed in the Trusted Organization section of your account settings.

ORCID trusted organizations

An organization can ask for one or more different types of permissions. Only ORCID member organizations (such as University of Arizona, Interfolio [UA Vitae], DataCite, Crossref, NCBI, or Scopus) may read trusted party data or update your ORCID record.

The following table describe which permission(s) an organization may request and what that entails:

When an organization asks to: They are asking to ...
Get your ORCID iD Get your verified ORCID iD, which they can store and use in their systems and workflows, and read items on your record marked as visible to everyone.
Read your limited access information Get your verified ORCID iD, and read items on your ORCID record that are set to be visible to everyone or just to trusted parties – trusted organizations or trusted individuals. (Note: no one other than you or a trusted individual can read items that you have set to be visible to only you.
Add or update your research activities

Get your verified ORCID iD, and add affiliation (employment, education, qualification, award, honors, membership, service), research resources, funding, works, and peer review items to your ORCID record.

The organization can also update or delete any items they have added. They cannot edit or delete items added by other trusted parties or by you.

Add or update your biographical information

Get your verified ORCID iD, and add biographical information to your record. This includes other names you are also known as, external identifiers, website links, country or region, and keywords. It does not include updating your biography.

The organization can also update or delete any items they have added. They cannot edit or delete items added by other trusted parties or by you.

You can revoke permissions to a Trusted Organization at any time. In the Trusted Organizations section of your Account Settings, click on the Trash Can icon to the right of the name of the organization whose access you wish to revoke. Revoking this permission means the organization will only be able to read information on your record which you have set as visible to everyone, as well as any information that they themselves have added. They will not be able to edit or delete any information that they have added.

Removing Trusted Organization

For more information, see Trusted Organizations in the ORCID Knowledge Base.