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Primary sources on the USS Arizona, both before and after its sinking.
Harris & Ewing glass negative of the USS Arizona (LOC)
Wreckage of the USS Arizona, 1941, safety film negative, US Office of Emergency Management (LOC)
Irving Underhill photograph of USS Arizona gun turrets, 1924 (LOC)
USS Arizona in the Panama Canal, C. F. Rottmann, 1921 (LOC)
USS Arizona and other ships under attack at Pearl Harbor, US Office of War Information, safety film photograph (LOC)
Legislation creating the USS Arizona Memorial and visitor's center, document (LOC)
USS Arizona in wet dock, circa 1932 (UASpColl)
"E" Medal, 1924, from the USS Arizona collection (UASpColl)
Lowering the USS Arizona bell into the UA Student Union Memorial Center, Sam Levitz photograph (UASpColl)
Piece of armor piercing projectile, likely Japanese, from 1941 attack at Pearl Harbor, HI (UASpColl)